Category Archives: Community

Proposed Development – 425 Jerusalem Avenue

By   May 12, 2012

The HGCA has been contacted by a law firm representing a developer with plans to sub-divide the existing dry cleaners located at 425 Jerusalem Avenue into a dry cleaners and nail salon.

A survey of the Block Captains in that area revealed that they did not see any negative impact resulting from the development and that position has been transmitted to the law firm.

Do Not Block Side Road Sign

By   October 12, 2011

South Broadway & Millwood Gate

millwoodgate_webIn response to requests by the Hicksville Gardens Civic Association and the Hicksville Fire Department the state recently painted a white box at South Block Side Road”.

A “spill back” situation was occuring at the intersection with vehicles blocking access and egress from Millwood Gate.  This was caused partially by the recent signal lights installed at the “5 Corners” intersection.  This not only caused a blockage at the location but also created a safety hazard by delaying the response time by local volunteer firefighters.