Author Archives: Adam Firester

Food Drive Helps 2 Families

By   November 19, 2015

The Community Service Committee would like to thank everyone for their generous donation to our Thanksgiving Food Drive.  It was a huge success. We were able to donate 8 boxes of food and Gift Certificates for a turkey to two needy families in our community. We had enough donations for a Thanksgiving meal and to fill their cupboards for several meals!

We also would like to thank our commercial supporters Ferreira Foodtown for their generous donation of four $25.00 gift certificates and Hicksville T-Mobile for donating 2 cases of cereal.

Speaker Event – Michael A. Miller

By   September 28, 2015
We are very pleased to present Michael A Miller, a distinguished writer who will be giving a talk at our upcoming general meeting on Thursday October 8th 2015.  We hope you will be able to attend this very interesting presentation. Please pass this on and bring a friend.

Michael, columnist from Hicksville News (formerly Hicksville Illustrated) will be speaking on:

Hicksville & Long Island:
How We Got Here and Where We May Be Going

Speaker Bio

Michael_A_MillerMichael A. Miller served as a Legislative & Media Coordinator at the State Assembly in Albany and as Director of Public Affairs & Ombudsman for the Town of North Hempstead. He has been appointed to several local government advisory boards and commissions, and served on the Board of Directors of the Water Authority of Western Nassau County. Over 800 of his essays on local history and public affairs have appeared in the 18 weekly newspapers of the Anton Media Group (including Hicksville News, and Long Island Weekly). He lives in New Hyde Park and is an independent communications consultant.

2015 Scholarship Award Recipients

By   June 16, 2015

At the June 2015 general meeting, John Rigert introduced and called up each recipient and their commercial sponsor to present the award.  In total, 7 scholarships were awarded this year. 


Recipients pictured left to right: Priya Mishra, Sebastian Niculescu, Charlene Abogado, 
Kaitlyn Sullivan, Conor Larkin, Kathryn Anderson, Gabrielle Goubran

Recipients have the following plans for study upon graduation:

Name Plans Sponsor
Priya Mishra attending Columbia University, studying Computer Science and Economics Delco Plaza
Sebastian Niculescu attending joint program between Brown University and Rhode Island School of Design, studying Mathematics and Sculpture Foodtown
Charlene Abogado attending Molloy College, studying Nursing Perfect Pharmacy
Kaitlyn Sullivan attending Oneonta, studying Psychology Perfect Pharmacy
Conor Larkin attending John Jay, studying Forensic Psychology Perillo Brothers
Kathryn Anderson attending Siena College, studying Education and Accounting HGCA
Gabrielle Goubran attending Hunter College, studying Theater and Economics HGCA

We’d like to thank all of our corporate sponsors for their generosity and their participation.  We’d also like to thank Hicksville High School Principal Raymond Williams for joining us to speak about the students’ accomplishments and community service.

2015 Spring Cleanup

By   June 7, 2015

Despite some uncooperative weather the second time around, we still managed to get some folks out on June 6th to perform our annual cleanup out on South Broadway.  Thanks to all who participated!IMG_4611IMG_4607IMG_4614



Flag Distribution

By   May 24, 2015

On May 22nd and 23rd, flags were distributed to all homes within our borders in time for Memorial Day.  Special thanks to Michelle Iannuzzo and Girl Scout Troop 3155 for their huge help with the distribution.

LeaderwithChrisMiro,HicksvilleCivicAssoc.flagcoordinator IMG_0294

Flag Prep

By   May 20, 2015

On Tuesday, May 19th, members of the HGCA gathered to prepare the flags donated by Legislator Rose Walker for distribution.  Thanks so much to all those who volunteered!

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Hearing on 5-Yr County Development Plan set for May 5th

By   April 23, 2015

The Nassau County Office of Community development has informed us of a hearing scheduled for May 5th that will cover the County’s Consolidated 5-year plan covering housing and community development needs along with a Strategic Plan for addressing those needs during the upcoming five-year period (FFY2015-2019). They are looking for input from all civics across the county.

More details regarding the hearing may be found in the letter issued to the HGCA.  If you are interested in attending, let us know.

Cleaning American Drive-In Cleaners

By   April 1, 2015

Last week, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) has issued a Record of Decision (ROD) for the American Drive-In Cleaners Site, which describes the remedy selected to address contamination associated with the site.

Contaminants investigated include volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These solvents were a concern because of the site’s history as a dry cleaning facility.

Major elements of the selected remedy include:

1. A soil vapor extraction system: This system will extract VOCs from the subsurface soil. The air removed will be treated as needed before being discharged to the atmosphere.

2. Cover system: A site cover currently exists and will be maintained to allow for commercial use of the site.

3. Building slab maintenance: This maintenance will be performed to prevent vapor intrusion. Annual inspections will be performed to ensure the effectiveness of the maintenance.

4. Groundwater monitoring: A program of monitoring will be carried out to address groundwater contamination. It is anticipated that within a reasonable time period contamination will decrease.

5. Site Management Plan: will include provisions to monitor for the continued effectiveness of the remedy.

The full ROD may be found on the NYSDEC website. Copies of the ROD are also available for review at the Hicksville Public Library.

For more info, you may contact the NYSDEC Project Manager: Melissa Sweet, 518-402-9620, email:[email protected]