2016 Scholarship Award Recipients

By   June 10, 2016

At the June 2016 general meeting, scholarships were awarded to 8 deserving students this year. After receiving their awards, each of the students gave a gracious speech to thank the sponsors and the civic, as well as to note their intended area of study.


Recipients pictured left to right: Melissa Agnese, Pujan Patel, Abdullah Khalid, Adam Patel,
Jaineel Doshi, Matthew Cimino, Louis Valentino, Hosnia Samadi

Recipients have the following plans for study upon graduation:

Name Plans Sponsor
Melissa Agnese attending SUNY Plattsburg, studying Nursing Joe Dubon
Pujan Patel attending SUNY Stony Brook, studying Health Sciences Perillo Brothers
Abdullah Khalid attending Sophie Davis School of Biomedical Education, accelerated Medical program Perfect Pharmacy
Adam Patel attending SUNY Stony Brook, Pre-Med program Perfect Pharmacy
Jainell Doshi attending Vassar College, Pre-Med program Foodtown
Matthew Cimino attending SUNY Stony Brook, studying Engineering Delco
Louis Valentino attending Stevens Institute of Technology, studying Engineering HGCA
Hosnia Samadi attending University of Notre Dame, Dental program HGCA

We’d like to thank all of our sponsors for their generosity and their participation.  We’d also like to extend our thanks to Marie Dunker and the rest of the Scholarship Committee for their hard work in organizing this year’s scholarship program.