Cleaning American Drive-In Cleaners

By   April 1, 2015

Last week, the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) has issued a Record of Decision (ROD) for the American Drive-In Cleaners Site, which describes the remedy selected to address contamination associated with the site.

Contaminants investigated include volatile organic compounds (VOCs). These solvents were a concern because of the site’s history as a dry cleaning facility.

Major elements of the selected remedy include:

1. A soil vapor extraction system: This system will extract VOCs from the subsurface soil. The air removed will be treated as needed before being discharged to the atmosphere.

2. Cover system: A site cover currently exists and will be maintained to allow for commercial use of the site.

3. Building slab maintenance: This maintenance will be performed to prevent vapor intrusion. Annual inspections will be performed to ensure the effectiveness of the maintenance.

4. Groundwater monitoring: A program of monitoring will be carried out to address groundwater contamination. It is anticipated that within a reasonable time period contamination will decrease.

5. Site Management Plan: will include provisions to monitor for the continued effectiveness of the remedy.

The full ROD may be found on the NYSDEC website. Copies of the ROD are also available for review at the Hicksville Public Library.

For more info, you may contact the NYSDEC Project Manager: Melissa Sweet, 518-402-9620, email:[email protected]